I am actually quite pleased with this hair. At first I was really debating if I should put this on a U-part or actually do an install but I didn't know how thick the bundles would be and didn't want to be assed out.I took the bundles and made a U-part of of them. I cute the tracks and split SOME wefts. I felt like the company provided you with enough hair that I didn't feel the need to split my tracks (except towards the top which was starting to be a struggle... so I only split the track for two bundles)
I really liked the texture of the hair. it did tangle a bit but the tangles are EASILY brushed out. even though i cut the wefts and split some of the tracks, I really don't have excessive shedding.
I do not plan to dye, bleach or perm this hair... not because of the quality but because I'm a purist in a sense. ("get and wear as it is" mentality)
I though blending this texture with my nature hair was going to be difficult because I'm natural and I can't exactly straighten my hair then wet set it in a braid to mimic the waves. So I tried flat ironing my hair and braiding it at night (dry) to see if i can get a wave... no.

I found it was best that I curl my hair with a wand AND curl the unit to frame my face.
The closure was basically a waste of time. I didn't use it.
I found this map on how to do your instal interesting. I followed it loosely. I probably won't in the future though.
Am I the only person in the world that find unraveling S-curl bundles like this stressful? I kept getting tangles while I tugged on the hair. (Thank god the quality of the hair was good or we would have had problems)